Environmental Services: CCP for Environmental Services (ES) Specialists (Invite-only)
Reskill your competencies to take on new job roles with good longer-term prospects
Accurate as of 09 May 2023
Please refer to ‘Contact Details’ below on how to apply for this Programme.
What is it?

The Career Conversion Programme for Environmental Services (ES) Specialists aims to equip mid-careerists with the necessary skills to embark on a career in the ES industry* in the enhanced role of ES Specialist.

ES companies can also tap on this programme to reskill existing employees to take on this enhanced role.

The CCP comprises 8 days of mandatory facilitated training and 58 days of structured on-the-job training provided by the participating companies.

Workforce Singapore has appointed NTUC Learning Hub as the Programme Manager from 26 July 2021 to 30 June 2023.


*The ES Industry comprises the Cleaning, Waste Management and Pest Management subsectors.

Who can apply?

To qualify for this CCP, applicants must meet the following criteria:

Jobseekers/ New Hires

Participating Companies

  • Singapore Citizens (SC) or Singapore Permanent Residents (PR)
  • Minimum 21 years old
  • Graduated or completed National Service, whichever is later, at least 2 years prior to the point of application
  • Newly hired and not in a similar job role prior to joining the CCP or nominated by an eligible participating company for Job Redesign Reskilling
  • Must not be a shareholder of the participating company, or its related companies
  • Must not be related to the owner(s) of the participating company and must not be immediate ex-staff of participating company and its related companies.
  • Participating companies have to be registered or incorporated in Singapore with a valid Unique Entity Number (UEN) with Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA)
  • Able to offer a full-time position employment contract on permanent terms or on contract terms that are no less than one (1) year
  • The employment must be directly related to the job which the Programme is for, with remuneration that is aligned with the market rate, paying a fixed monthly salary of at least $2,500 per month for new hires or on completion of Job Redesign Reskilling
  • Must not be claiming from other Government agencies for similar funding components they have applied for under the Programme
  • Able to commit to the JRR/PnT training arrangements for their trainees and work with WSG and its appointed Programme Manager NTUC Learning Hub on the necessary administrative matters related to the Programme.

How does it work?

Enrolled Individuals will undergo mandatory facilitated training and company-customised on-the-job training (OJT) designed for the enhanced role of ES Specialist.

Training comprises:

Training Component


Conducted by

Mandatory Facilitated Training (4 modules)

  1. Robotics & Automation Application
  2. WSH Incident Investigation Course for Cleaning Supervisors
  3. Customer Management (Supervise Service Operations)
  4. Facilitate Effective Communication and Engagement at the Workplace

8 days (64 hrs)

NTUC Learning Hub

Structured On-the-Job Training (OJT)

58 days (464 hrs)

Participating company

Total Training Duration: 3 months


Funding Support for Employers

WSG’s Funding to Employers Standard Rate Enhanced Rate
Course Fee Grant 70% course fee funding N.A.
Salary Support

70% of monthly salary (capped at $4,000 per month)

90% of monthly salary (capped at $6,000 per month)

For Long-term Unemployed^ Singapore Citizen (SC) trainees or mature SC Trainees aged 40 and above

^LTU are individuals who have been unemployed and actively looking for jobs for six months or more.


Application and Selection Process

All CCP applications will be screened by the Programme Manager to ascertain that the applicant is eligible for the programme. Applicants will go through the selection process by participating companies.

Interested companies should contact the Programme Partner (NTUC Learning Hub) for application advisory. For companies who are reskilling their current employees, a business transformation plan detailing on how reskilled employees will be transited from current job roles to new job roles will need to be submitted.

Contact details

NTUC Learning Hub

Tel: (65) 6336 5482

Website: www.ntuclearninghub.com

Enquiry Form: www.ntuclearninghub.com/enquiry-form/


For further queries, please contact WSG’s hotline at 6883 5885 or send an email through WSG_Biz_services@wsg.gov.sg.