Infocomm Technology: CCP for Tech Professionals – Associate Software Engineer (Java) - JRR
Reskill your competencies to take on new job roles with good longer-term prospects
Accurate as of 24 Sep 2024
What is it?

CCPs are career conversion programmes targeted at mid-career Professionals, Managers, Executives and Technicians (PMETs) to undergo reskilling and move into new occupations or sectors that have good prospects.

About the Sector

Information and Communications (I&C) is a key economic growth sector that creates quality jobs and opens up exciting new opportunities for citizens. According to the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA)’s Annual Survey on Infocomm Media Manpower 2020, the number of tech professionals employed across the economy grew by about 10,000 annually over the past few years, reaching around 216,000 in 2020. Demand will also extend beyond the sector into other sectors like finance, manufacturing, and retail.

Job Role Description (as per ICT Skills Framework)

The Associate Software Engineer (Java) track maps to the Associate Software Engineer role in the ICT Skills Framework (SFw). The Associate Software Engineer applies subject matter knowledge in applications development, possessing well-developed skills in design, development, testing, debugging, and implementing software applications or specialised utility programs in support of end users' needs on platforms. The individual will support regular updates and recommends improvements to existing applications. The individual will work under limited supervision to effectively deal with unfamiliar issues and follows recommended coding standards and secure-coding principles to avoid security vulnerabilities and provides technical support to the quality testing teams.

The individual will work in a team setting and is proficient in programming languages required by the organisation. The Individual is familiar with software development tools and standards, as well as the relevant software platforms on which the solution is deployed on.

The Associate Software Engineer is a keen learner, and able to apply structured, analytical thinking to develop applications. The individual is a strong team player, who communicates his/her ideas and gets along with others easily.

About the Programme

The CCP for Information and Communications Technology is designed to equip mid-career PMETs to undergo skills conversion and take on enhanced roles in the ICT Industry.

Under the CCP for Information and Communications Technology, the individual will undergo up to 100% of On-the-Job training (OJT), as well as optional structured classroom trainings (where applicable) to take on the role.

Training will be conducted over 3 – 6 months depending on modality. Upon successful completion of the CCP, the individual will be equipped with the necessary skills to embark on a career in an Information and Technology-related role.

For more information on the Technical Skills and Competencies (TSCs) that may be acquired through the programme, please refer to SFw for ICT, found here.

Who can apply?

Interested individuals and employers need to meet the following criteria:


The Programme is open to all company-sponsored applicants who meet the following General Eligibility Criteria:

  • Singapore Citizen (SC) or Permanent Resident (PR);
  • Minimum 21 years old;
  • Graduated or completed National Service, whichever is later, at least two years prior, at the point of application;
  • Must not be a shareholder of the CCP company, or its related companies;
  • Must not be related to the owner(s) of the CCP company; and
  • Existing employees must have served at least one-year tenure with the employer to qualify for the Redeployment/Job Redesign Reskilling CCP


In addition, new hires should also adhere to the following:

  • Hired for not more than three (3) months prior to CCP commencement;
  • Must not be in the same or similar job role prior to joining the CCP;
  • Must not be immediate ex-staff of CCP company or its related companies.



  • Registered or incorporated in Singapore with a valid Unique Entity Number (UEN) with Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA);
  • Ensure that new hires / existing staff cannot be:
    • A shareholder of the CCP company, or its related companies;
    • Related to the owner(s) of the CCP company; and
    • (For New Hires only) Immediate ex-staff of CCP company or its related companies;
  • (For new hires only) Offer a full-time PMET position employment contract on permanent terms or on contract terms that are no less than one (1) year;
  • Offer employment directly related to the job which the CCP is for, with remuneration that is aligned to the market rate;
  • Must put in place OJT for the trainees; and
  • Commit to the CCP training arrangements for the trainees.

How does it work?

Selected applicants will undergo screening, interview and shortlisting process as determined by the hiring employer.

Employers must commit to working with WSG and the appointed programme manager on necessary administrative matters related to the CCP.

Funding Support

WSG’s Funding to Employers

Standard Rate 

(SCs/PRs below age of 40)

Enhanced Rate

Salary Support

Up to 70% of monthly salary for CCP training duration (capped at $5,000* per month)

Up to 90% of monthly salary for CCP training duration (capped at $7,500* per month)

For SC/PR trainees who are unemployed and actively seeking employment for six months or more, and/or SC/PR trainees aged 40 years and above in the year of commencement of the CCP.


  • For trainees who commence training from 1 April 2024
  • For trainees who commence training before 1 April 2024, the funding is capped at $4,000 and $6,000 for Standard Rate and Enhanced Rate, respectively.


TSCs that may be acquired through the Programme which are aligned to the SFw for ICT:

Technical Skills & Competencies (TSCs)

Proficiency Level

Agile Software Development


Applications Development


Applications Integration


Applications Support and Enhancement

1, 2

Business Environment Analysis


Business Needs Analysis


Configuration Tracking

1, 2

Data Design


Emerging Technology Synthesis


Problem Management


Project Management


Software Configuration


Software Design


Software Testing


Stakeholder Management


System Integration


Test Planning


User Interface Design


Contact details

For individuals looking to apply for roles under the CCP for Tech Professionals – Associate Software Engineer (Java), please click on the ‘Apply’ button on the top of this page.

For interested companies looking to apply for the CCP for Tech Professionals – Associate Software Engineer (Java) as a participating employer, you can reach out to NTUC Learning Hub by registering your interest here or reach out to them with the following contact details:


NTUC Learning Hub

Address: 73 Bras Basah Rd, NTUC Trade Union House, Singapore 189556


Contact: 6336 5482