General Manufacturing: CCP for Manufacturing Professional (Invite-only)
Reskill your competencies to take on new job roles with good longer-term prospects
Accurate as of 19 Aug 2024
What is it?

Manufacturing remains a significant contributor to Singapore’s economy and employment. To continue its growth trajectory, many manufacturing companies are adopting technology to improve manufacturing processes, increase output and invest in research and development to manufacture high-quality products.

Administered by the Singapore Manufacturing Federation (SMF), the CCP for Manufacturing Professional (PMET) is a structured On-the-Job Training (OJT) programme to reskill individuals planning to make a career switch to take on new or redesigned manufacturing-related roles such as Materials Planner, Operations Manager/Engineer and Project Manager/Engineer.

Upon successful completion of the CCP, individuals will be equipped with the necessary skills to take on new or redesigned PMET job roles with good career prospects within the manufacturing industry.

Who can apply?

The CCP for Manufacturing Professional (PMET) operates under 2 modes:

  1. Place-and-Train: Reskill mid-career individuals (new hires) for their new roles to support business growth.
  2. Job Redesign Reskilling (JRR): Targeted at companies that are undergoing business transformation, where their existing workers need to be reskilled to take on redesigned job roles within the same company.



The Programme is open to all company-sponsored applicants who meet the following General Eligibility Criteria:

  • Be a Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident who is keen to pursue a full-time career as a Manufacturing Professional;
  • Have graduated or completed National Service at least 2 years prior at the point of application;
  • New job role under the CCP should be substantially different from previous job role;
  • Existing employees identified for JRR must have completed at least 1 year of service with the company;
  • Must not be connected to the CCP participating company
    1. Shareholder of the CCP company or its related companies;
    2. Related to the owners of the CCP company; and
    3. Immediate ex-staff of the CCP company or related entities



  • Companies registered or incorporated in Singapore;
  • Must be able to offer full-time employment with a fixed monthly salary of at least $2,600 and at least a 12-month employment contract;
  • Must put in place a structured OJT that supports the growth of the company for the CCP participant;
  • For JRR applications, companies are required to submit details of their business transformation plan for evaluation; and
  • Be committed to work with WSG and its appointed programme partner on the necessary administrative matters related to the programme.

How does it work?

For interested individuals, applications submitted would be shared with employers with available vacancies for shortlisting. Shortlisted candidates must go through the participating employer’s selection process, which is the same as a normal job application. The candidate must be offered employment by a participating company before embarking on the programme.

Selected candidates will undergo three months of CCP which comprises structured OJT. Employers must commit to working with WSG and the appointed Programme Partner on necessary administrative matters related to the CCP.


Funding Support

WSG’s Funding to Employers

Standard Rate 

(SCs/PRs below age of 40)

Enhanced Rate

Salary Support

Up to 70% of monthly salary for CCP training duration (capped at $5,000* per month)

Up to 90% of monthly salary for CCP training duration (capped at $7,500* per month)

For SC/PR trainees who are unemployed and actively seeking employment for six months or more, and/or SC/PR trainees aged 40 years and above in the year of commencement of the CCP.


  • For trainees who commence training from 1 April 2024
  • For trainees who commence training before 1 April 2024, the funding is capped at $4,000 and $6,000 for Standard Rate and Enhanced Rate, respectively.

Contact details

For individuals looking to apply for roles under the CCP for Manufacturing Professional (PMET), please click on the ‘Apply’ button on the top of this page.


For interested companies looking to apply for the CCP for Manufacturing Professional (PMET) as a participating employer, you can reach out to SMF by registering your interest here or reach out to them at:


Singapore Manufacturing Federation (SMF)


Contact: 6826 3100