Air Transport: CCP for Air Transport Professionals and Coordinators
Reskill your competencies to take on new job roles with good longer-term prospects
Accurate as of 12 Mar 2025
What is it?

As Singapore strives towards being a smart and highly efficient air hub, companies in the Air Transport sector have begun to transform and adopt digital solutions such as data analytics, robotic systems, and autonomous vehicles etc.  This results in the creation of new job roles, while other job roles would need to be transformed and redesigned to support the technological advancements.

The Career Conversion Programme (CCP) for Air Transport Professionals and Coordinators is targeted at mid-career switchers to undergo skills conversion and take on new roles in Airport Operations, Airline Operations and Management, Ground Handling and Air Cargo Operations.

Administered by SAAA@Singapore (SAAA), the CCP operates under the following modes:

  1. Place-and-Train: Reskill new hires in their new roles to support the business growth.
  2. Job Redesign Reskilling (Existing Staff*): Targeted at companies that are undergoing business transformation to reskill existing staff, where roles will be redesigned/ enhanced to remain relevant.

*at least 1 year in employment

Under the CCP for Air Transport Professionals and Coordinators, participants will undergo a structured On-the-Job Training (OJT) at the company. Upon successful completion of the CCP, participants would be equipped with the necessary competencies and skills to take on job roles within the Air Transport sector.

Who can apply?


Locals who meet the following criteria can apply for the programme:

  • Singapore Citizen or Singapore Permanent Resident
  • Minimum 21 years old
  • Graduated or completed National Service at least 2 years[1] prior at the point of application
  • New job role trained under the CCP should be substantially different from the previous job role, hence require reskilling for career conversion
  • New hires must apply and kickstart their CCP within first 3 months from their start date (company must nominate).
  • Existing employees onboard JRR CCP must be in service for at least a year from date of application.
  • Meet employer selection criteria, where applicable


Beyond the general eligibility criteria for the CCP, applicants should also not be:

  • Shareholders[2] of the participating company or its related entities
  • Immediate ex-employees of the participating company or its related entities
  • Related to the owners[3] of the participating company



All participating companies must fulfil the following criteria:

  • Registered or incorporated in Singapore
  • Able to offer employment directly related to the job which the programme is for, with renumeration that commensurate with the market rate
  • Commit to the On-the-Job Training (OJT) arrangements for the individuals whom they have selected



[1] This will be counted from the date of graduation from the latest qualification, or date of completion of national service, whichever is later.

[2] Does not apply to publicly traded shares in listed companies

[3] For non-publicly listed companies, refer to individuals with shareholding per ACRA profile

How does it work?

The CCP training period lasts up to 6 months. Structured on-the-job training (OJT) will be provided and conducted at participating companies to facilitate the application of learning and to ensure that individuals acquire necessary competencies.


Full-time / Part-time


Programme Structure  



Air Transport Professionals

Air Transport Coordinators

New Hire


Up to 6 months

Up to 3 months

Job Redesign Reskilling


Up to 3 months


Applications received will be forwarded to participating employers for shortlisting. Shortlisted candidates have to go through the participating employer’s interview and selection process and be offered a position by a participating company before embarking on the programme. 


Funding Rates*

Salary support for the duration of the programme will be reimbursed to the employers at the following rates, subject to funding availability and approval:

Standard Rate (SC & PR aged below 40)

Enhanced Rate (SC & PR aged 40 and above)

70% of monthly salary,

funding capped at $5,000/month

90% of monthly salary,

funding capped at $7,500/month


For Long-term Unemployed^ local trainees or mature local trainees aged 40 and above.

*Funding caps may apply.

^Defined as being unemployed and actively seeking employment for six months or more

Contact Details

For more information and to apply for the CCP, please contact:

Mr Louis Wong
