Professional Services: CCP for Consultants (with Deloitte)
Reskill your competencies to take on new job roles with good longer-term prospects
Accurate as of 30 Mar 2024
What is it?

The consultancy sector in Singapore is a key growth sector which supports business needs for advisory services in the Asian and Southeast Asian region. With an increase in client demand for advisory projects in areas such as technology and transformation, the demand for consulting roles will continue to grow.

The Career Conversion Programme (CCP) for Consultants with Deloitte Consulting Pte Ltd (Deloitte) is aimed at facilitating mid-career individuals with industry experience but no consulting experience to work as consultants in Deloitte.

This CCP is managed by Deloitte with the applications being reviewed by Deloitte directly. Mid-career individuals hired by Deloitte and placed under the CCP will undergo a 6-month training programme. The training will be On-the-Job Training-centric, covering Technical Skills and Competencies, and Critical Core Skills required for consulting job roles. 

Who can apply?


The programme is open to all company-sponsored applicants who meet the following general eligibility criteria:

  • Be a Singapore Citizen (SC) or Permanent Resident (PR) aged 21 years and above;
  • New hires must have graduated or completed NS, whichever is later, at least two years at the point of application;
  • Must be a newly hired PMET (i.e. not more than three (3) months from date of employment), and nominated by Deloitte for the CCP;
  • Must not be in a similar job role prior to joining the CCP;
  • Must not be a shareholder of Deloitte or its related companies;
  • Must not be related to the owner(s) of Deloitte; and
  • Must not be immediate ex-staff of Deloitte or its related companies.


All applicants for the CCP are subjected to Deloitte’s job requirements and selection process.

How does it work?


Applications received will be reviewed by Deloitte. Suitable candidates will be shortlisted for interview and undergo Deloitte’s selection process.

Frequency of runs: Ongoing intakes throughout the year, depending on the availability of job vacancies.


Funding support

WSG’s Funding to Employers

Standard Rate 

(SCs/PRs below age of 40)

Enhanced Rate

Salary Support

Up to 70% of monthly salary for CCP training duration (capped at $5,000* per month)

Up to 90% of monthly salary for CCP training duration (capped at $7,500* per month)

For SC/PR trainees who are unemployed and actively seeking employment for six months or more, and/or SC/PR trainees aged 40 years and above in the year of commencement of the CCP.


  • For trainees who commence training from 1 April 2024
  • For trainees who commence training before 1 April 2024, the funding is capped at $4,000 and $6,000 for Standard Rate and Enhanced Rate, respectively.

Contact details

Please note that by submitting the CCP application, applicants are applying for consulting job roles within Deloitte consulting function. Deloitte will contact you directly if you are shortlisted within 10 weeks.