Built Environment: CCP for Construction Management Professionals
Reskill your competencies to take on new job roles with good longer-term prospects
Accurate as of 31 Mar 2024
What is it?

As Singapore moves towards an advanced, integrated and sustainable built environment, companies in the built environment sector are digitalising through adopting innovative building methods and digital solutions such as data analytics, Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DfMA), and Integrated Digital Delivery (IDD). This has created new job roles and transformed existing job roles to keep pace with technological shifts.

Administered by the Singapore Contractors Association Ltd (SCAL) with support from Workforce Singapore (WSG), the CCP for Construction Management Professionals reskills individuals planning a career switch to new or redesigned roles in the BE sector. This CCP covers a range of Construction Management job roles that offer good career prospects, broadly classified under two tracks - Site roles and Production roles. Some examples of these Professionals, Managers, Executives and Technicians (PMET) roles are as follows:

Construction Management (Production)

Construction Management (Site)


  1. Factory Manager
  2. Production Manager / Assistant Production Manager
  3. Production Supervisor
  4. Quality Assurance / Quality Control Manager / Quality Assurance / Quality Control Engineer / Planner
  5. Senior Production Manager
  6. Senior Quality Assurance Manager / Senior Quality Control Manager / Senior Planner


  1. Assistant Project Manager (Construction) / Construction Manager
  2. Project Director (Construction)
  3. Senior Project Manager (Construction) / Project Manager (Construction)
  4. Site / Project Engineer
  5. Site Supervisor / Trade Supervisor /
  6. Project Coordinator

Who can apply?

The CCP for Construction Management Professionals has 2 modes:

1.           Place-and-Train (new hires): Reskilling mid-career individuals for their new roles,

2.           Redeployment / Job Redesign Reskilling (JRR): Targeted at companies undergoing business transformation, where existing employees will need to be reskilled to take on new or redesigned job roles within the same company.


Interested individuals and companies will need to meet the following criteria:



General Eligibility Criteria

  • Be a Singapore Citizen or Singapore Permanent Resident keen to pursue a full-time career as Construction Management Professional; and
  • Minimum 21 years old;

For Place-and-Train New Hires

  • Graduated or completed National Service at least 2 years* prior at the point of application. New job role trained for under the CCP should be substantially different from the previous job role, and requires reskilling for a career switch;
  • Possess engineering-related qualifications; or relevant working experience in engineering-related domain such as Construction or Manufacturing; and
  • Meet employer selection criteria, where applicable.

For Redeployment/ JRR

  • Existing employees identified must have completed at least 1 year of service with the company at the point of application;
  • Must not be connected to the CCP participating company
    Shareholder of the CCP company or its related companies;
  • Must not be related to the owners of the CCP company; and
  • Must not be Immediate ex-staff of the CCP company or related entities.



All participating companies must fulfil the following criteria:

  • Registered or incorporated in Singapore;
  • Commit to CCP training arrangements for new hires and/or existing workers that they have selected;
  • Be committed to work with WSG and its appointed programme partner on the necessary administrative matters related to the programme.
  • Regarding applications for JR Reskilling or redeployment, companies will be required to submit details of their business transformation and training plans to SCAL for evaluation. The training plan should detail pre and post redesigned job roles. Upon successful application, SCAL will notify and issue a Letter-of-offer to your company.



*This will be counted from the date of graduation from the latest qualification, or date of completion of national service, whichever is later.

How does it work?

Interested applicants for the Place-and-Train mode will apply through WSG’s portal and should clearly indicate their preferred role(s). Applications received will be forwarded to participating employers for shortlisting via the programme manager, SCAL. Shortlisted candidates will go through the participating employer’s interview and selection process and be offered a position by the participating company before embarking on the programme.

Interested applicants for the JRR/redeployment programme will receive an invite-only link from their employers to apply on WSG’s portal. Interested firms who would like to come onboard the JRR/redeployment programme to reskill employees in redesigned job roles can contact SCAL for more information (refer to contact details below).

Selected candidates will undergo a structured training programme comprising facilitated training and OJT (On-Job-Training). The training period for new hires and existing employees are 6 months, and 3 months respectively.


Funding Rates*

Salary support for the duration of the programme will be reimbursed to the employers at the following rates, subject to funding availability and approval:

WSG’s Funding to Employers

Standard Rate 

(SCs/PRs below age of 40)

Enhanced Rate

Salary Support

Up to 70% of monthly salary for CCP training duration (capped at $5,000* per month)

Up to 90% of monthly salary for CCP training duration (capped at $7,500* per month)

For SC/PR trainees who are unemployed and actively seeking employment for six months or more, and/or SC/PR trainees aged 40 years and above in the year of commencement of the CCP.


  • For trainees who commence training from 1 April 2024
  • For trainees who commence training before 1 April 2024, the funding is capped at $4,000 and $6,000 for Standard Rate and Enhanced Rate, respectively.

Contact details

Interested companies looking to apply as a participating employer can reach out to SCAL by registering your interest here (redirects to Interest in Career Conversion Programmes | FormSG) or alternatively,  reach out to SCAL at:


Singapore Contractors Association Limited (SCAL)

1 Bukit Merah Lane 2, The Construction House, Singapore 159760
Contact person: Ms. Tan Weixuan
Email: weixuan@scal-academy.com.sg
Contact: 6793 9020