Built Environment: CCP for Building Information Modelling (BIM) Professionals
Reskill your competencies to take on new job roles with good longer-term prospects
Accurate as of 11 Sep 2023
Please refer to ‘Contact Details’ below on how to apply for this Programme.
What is it?

The Career Conversion Programme (CCP) for BIM Professionals is targeted at mid-career individuals who are keen to embark on a career in the Built Environment (BE) sector. As the BE sector moves rapidly into BIM, there are many opportunities for individuals to take on BIM roles to create and manage BIM models, perform checks and audits and conduct building simulation to detect and resolve potential building issues.  This 7-month conversion programme comprises facilitated classroom training and structured on-the-job training; and is managed by the Singapore Contractors Association Ltd (SCAL) with funding support from Workforce Singapore (WSG).

The programme also supports in-company redeployment* to help companies undergoing business transformation, to reskill and redeploy affected employees.

*Interested companies can contact SCAL for more information.

Who can apply?

To qualify for the Career Conversion Programme for BIM Professionals, you have to meet the following criteria:


  • Singapore Citizens or Permanent Residents aged 21 years and above;
  • Graduated from full-time studies or completed National Service, whichever is later, at least 2 years prior at the point of application;
  • Not from a similar job function prior to joining the programme; and
  • Not a shareholder of SCAL or its related companies

Programme-specific criteria

  • Diploma in any discipline or Advanced Certificate/ Higher NITEC with relevant work experience in Construction sector

How does it work?

Applicants received through WSG’s portal will be directed to the participating employers for shortlisting via the programme manager (SCAL).

Shortlisted candidates will go through the participating employers’ screening and selection process, similar to usual job applications.

Successful candidates will be employed full-time by the participating employers and will undergo a 7-month structured training programme (sponsored by WSG and the respective participating employers), comprising:

  • Facilitated Classroom Training (212 hours) by BCA Academy and SCAL Academy; and
  • On-the-Job Training (908 hours)

Trainees will be assessed via different modes such as written and practical assesments.

Contact Details

For more information on the programme, you may contact Ms Tan Wei Xuan at weixuan@scal-academy.com.sg or call 6793 9020.